Those who let themselves be seized by this love cannot help but abandon everything to follow Him. (Vita Consecrata 18)
It is the Lord who calls. For the woman called to consecrated life, only his mercy suffices to explain that call—and the response it draws forth. The desire to give her heart undivided to Christ manifests itself in a desire to give her life in a concrete way, here and now, for the salvation of souls.
The one who calls you is faithful, and he also will accomplish it. (1 Thess. 5:24) As the Lord grants her the grace to hear his call, He also grants her the wisdom and courage to follow Him to the precise place He has designed for her. By fidelity to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, her desires are refined and strengthened—and in God’s good time, she finds herself ready to take concrete steps towards realizing her vocation to a particular community. By visiting, speaking with the Vocation Director, and discerning with the community, she finds that “the experience of this gracious love of God is so deep and so powerful that the person called senses the need to respond by unconditionally dedicating…her life to God, consecrating to him all things present and future, and placing them in his hands” (Vita Consecrata 17).