The saints are not supermen, nor were they born perfect. They are like us, like each one of us. They are people who, before reaching the glory of heaven, lived normal lives with joys and sorrows, struggles and hopes. What changed their lives? When they recognized God’s love, they followed it with all their heart without reserve or hypocrisy. They spent their lives serving others, they endured suffering and adversity without hatred and responded to evil with good, spreading joy and peace. This is the life of a Saint. (Pope Francis)
To inspire the path to holiness, the Church sets before us the example of the saints. The Dominican Order has among its heavenly ranks numerous saints and blesseds, men and women who have embraced the heritage that St. Dominic bequeathed to the Dominican Order. Through their fidelity to God’s call, they achieved great sanctity. Litanies of these holy men and women bring to mind specific virtues in which they excelled and for which they were known. For example, we invoke St. Catherine of Siena as “model of humility”; St. Rose of Lima as one “in whom the grace of God was not fruitless”; and St. Thomas Aquinas as “model of perfect obedience.” May these selected litanies serve as encouragement on the journey as we strive to join these holy men and women in the halls of heaven.
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Litany of Dominican Saints and Blesseds
Litany of St. Albert the Great
Litany of St. Catherine of Siena