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Elizabethtown Catholics to welcome Dominican sisters, construct new convent
April 14, 2016
ELIZABETHTOWN, KY (WAVE) - St. James Catholic Church in Elizabethtown will pave the way for a new era in the spiritual lives of its parishioners by breaking ground later this month for a convent that will house members of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia.
Desire and Wonder: Essential Elements in Catechesis
April 11, 2016
One Advent, I was captivated by the phrase “Desire of Nations” in the “O Antiphons,” particularly the word “desire.” When I checked the etymology of the word “desire,” I was intrigued to know that it is derived from the Latin de sidere, that is, “from the stars.” Desire, then, is similar to the light falling from the stars; we can see the starlight but we cannot possess these ephemeral rays.
The Face of the Father’s Mercy
April 8, 2016
By the time you read this, we will be celebrating an extraordinary moment in an already extraordinary year. This first Sunday after Easter, April 4, 2016, the Church celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The origin of this feast, devoted to God’s Mercy shining forth in Jesus Christ, is quite recent. It all began with a young girl.
A Distinctive Way of Looking at Things
April 5, 2016
From FAITH MAGAZINE (March-April 2016): The ‘graced imagination’ enables us to understand that we are truly heirs to the Kingdom. Sister Thomas More Stepnowski explores this in the light of Pope Francis’ recent encyclical.
Vocation Office Triduum E-Newsletter 2016
March 25, 2016
As we enter into these sacred days, we continue to beg for God's mercy on us and on the whole world. As you view these images and consider the reflection on poverty and penance, know of our prayers for you during the Triduum.
Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia to Establish Presence in the Diocese of Phoenix
March 23, 2016
PHOENIX (March 22, 2016) — The Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, announced today that the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia will establish a community in the Diocese of Phoenix and will lead St. John Paul II Catholic High School, which will serve the community in the far West Valley beginning in Fall 2018.
Prayer for Little Sisters of the Poor Hearing at Supreme Court – March 23, 2016
March 1, 2016
On March 23, 2016, Wednesday of Holy Week, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear oral arguments for the Little Sisters of the Poor ...
Mercy Called My Name
March 1, 2016
An article published in the March edition of Christ is Our Hope, the official monthly publication for the Diocese of Joliet.
Vocation Office Newsletter for January 2016
January 1, 2016
Preview the Spanish Edition of our family prayer book: Una invitacion para Orar en Familia
December 12, 2015
Este hermoso libro, escrito por las Hermanas Dominicas de la Congregación de Sta. Cecilia con la colaboración del diácono Rafael y Ana Bougrat, Ricardo y Carolina Catalán, y Diana Catalán, proporciona un plan simple y fácil de implementar para la oración en familia. Ordenado de manera sucesiva según las etapas básicas de la oración, Una Invitación para ORAR EN FAMILIA, le permite a cada familia progresar paso a paso de un nivel de oración al siguiente. Con el prólogo por el arzobispo Charles J. Chaput, el libro contiene todas las secciones de la edición en inglés, más secciones añadidas de algunas tradiciones hispanas, tales como las Posadas, la celebración de quince años, la presentación de los tres años, los novenarios, etc. Contiene imágenes de vitrales e incluye 20 cuadros originales del estilo Cusqueño, por la Sra. Clorinda Galdos Bell, nativa de Cuzco, Perú. 210 páginas, 150 imágenes a color, tapa blanda.