We give thanks to God always for you all, constantly remembering you in our prayers. (1 Thessalonians 1:2)
Mindful of the abundance we have received from the hands of our friends and benefactors, the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation are filled with joyful gratitude. We give thanks for countless blessings received and rejoice that, by their gifts, our benefactors share in the fruits of our life and apostolate. Through the generous gifts of our benefactors, we are able to fulfill our vocation of prayer and service in the Church as consecrated women. Thus in thanksgiving for the sacrifices and contributions offered by so many on our behalf, we offer our most precious gift: our prayers. To whom much is given, much is expected (Luke 12:48). As a Congregation, we consider it our privilege and obligation to pray with fervor for those who make our life as Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia possible.
As the Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives, there is no more fitting place for us to remember our spiritual and temporal benefactors than at the Lord’s table. The Church teaches us that the Eucharist is itself the most perfect prayer of Thanksgiving. Every Tuesday in the Motherhouse Chapel, the community Mass is offered for our benefactors, both living and deceased. Flowing from this highest and most eloquent prayer of gratitude, the sisters recite before meals Psalm 129, known as the De Profundis, particularly remembering our deceased benefactors. Each evening as we chant the hour of Compline, the last community prayer of the day, we remember in our litany of intentions all those who have requested our prayers.
“Every good gift comes from above” (James 1:17), and so every prayer of gratitude must be directed ultimately to the Father in heaven who knows and fulfills all of our needs. By experiencing the seemingly limitless generosity of our benefactors, we have come to understand more deeply that our Heavenly Father delights to meet our needs through the hands of his children. To God our Father and you who are his hands and feet we humbly say, “thank you.”
If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact our Advancement Office by phone (615.251.0053), fax (615.259.0176), email (using this form) or mailing address: Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, Advancement Office, 801 Dominican Drive, Nashville, TN 37228.