Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Annual Contributions
Your annual contributions support:
- Ongoing formation and education of the sisters.
- Over 35 novitiate sisters in formation for religious life and training for their teaching apostolate.
- Health care
- Care of the retired and infirm sisters
- Maintenance of the Motherhouse, Bethany Retreat House and House of Studies
- Building endowment funds for future support.
A gift or pledge to the Annual Fund assists the sisters with daily living expenses as well as larger areas of need.
Memorials and Honorariums
Gifts may be made to the Dominican Sisters in memory or in honor of a special person in your life. When making a gift of this type, please include a note with the following information:
- Name of the deceased person or person you are honoring.
- Name of the person to whom notice of this gift should be sent with their address, city, state and zip.
A memorial card is sent to the family mentioning the name and address of the donor, but not the amount of the gift.
An honorarium card is sent to the person being honored mentioning the occasion, name and address of the donor, but not the amount of the gift.
Planned Gifts
Planned gifts area a meaningful way to ensure the needs of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia are met both now and well into the future. Whether contributions are restricted for certain areas of need or projects by the donor, or given as unrestricted gifts to use where they are most needed by the community, the sisters are extremely grateful to family members and friends who choose to leave a lasting legacy by making a planned gift.
When donors notify the Dominican Sisters of these types of planned gifts the sisters honor those individuals by recognizing them as members of the Donum Ecclesiae Guild, “A Gift to the Church.”
Capital Projects
In a culture which has become increasingly secular, there is a real hunger and thirst for the joy of Christ. The world is longing for this joy to be “born anew.” As a community we at St. Cecilia are seeking new means to embrace this mission in keeping with our Dominican vocation. We have undertaken three capital projects in order to respond to this moment of grace in the Church.
Villaggio Betania, Bracciano, Italy
The New Evangelization finds its life and energy at the heart of the Church. For some time the congregation has sent sisters for studies in Rome, with additional sisters now also engaged in teaching or serving the Church in other capacities. With this growth in the number of sisters living in Rome the need for appropriate housing has increased. Our association with the Dominican Sisters of Bethany, who had found it necessary to sell their property in Bracciano, Italy, opened to us the opportunity to acquire a religious house just outside of Rome. The facilities at the Villaggio are large enough to support apostolic activities centered in the very life of the Church. The setting is both beautiful and simple, conducive to quiet reflection and yet near enough to Rome to allow access to its religious, historical and cultural riches. Wishing their property to remain in Dominican hands, the sisters of Bethany were very generous in the terms of the sale; but the renovations needed on the buildings are a significant expense. These renovations will enable us to have a religious house in the vicinity of Rome and a center for opportunities related to the New Evangelization, including pilgrimages and retreats. We are currently seeking the means to fund the necessary renovations of the Villaggio Betania.
If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact our Advancement Office by phone (615.251.0053), fax (615.259.0176), email (using this form) or mailing address: Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, Advancement Office, 801 Dominican Drive, Nashville, TN 37228.