Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3)

A Gift for Tomorrow
The Endowment Funds for St. Cecilia Congregation were established for the purpose of providing financial support for the long-term needs of the community. The endowment is being built from the gifts and bequests of benefactors who desire to strengthen the ongoing work of the Church through their support of the life and mission of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation. These benefactors recognize the opportunity to make gifts that continue to give, since investment returns magnify the impact of their original gifts. Just as annual giving is an opportunity to return to God a portion of one’s annual income, so also contributions to the endowment provide a means to share accumulated gifts as durable support for the ministry of the Church.
Contributions to the Endowment are permanently invested, with the Congregation using a percentage of each fund’s average earnings. Whether benefactors choose to make a gift to the endowment of cash or stock; a deferred gift through such vehicles as a will or bequest, IRA or other retirement fund; or through establishing a charitable trust, they can assist the Dominican Sisters in meeting tomorrow’s needs.
Established Endowment Funds
Congregation General Endowment
The Congregation General Endowment fund has been established for the purpose of providing long-term supplemental support to the mission and life of the Dominican Sisters.
Education Endowment
The Education Endowment fund has been established to provide long-term, supplemental support for the education of the sisters. The Dominican tradition of study and prayer are vital to the charism of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. The sisters in the novitiate are trained for their religious life as well as educated as teachers. For the sake of the apostolate, the sisters also pursue advanced degrees. This cost of educating the sisters is a very large but important and necessary expense.
Motherhouse Maintenance Endowment
Having completed the renovation and expansion of St. Cecilia Motherhouse in 2006, the community wishes to ensure that future generations will be able adequately to maintain the Motherhouse with supplemental support from this endowment.
Monroe Carell, Jr. Endowed Fund Benefiting the St. Cecilia Motherhouse
Established in February 2009 by the late Mrs. Ann Carell in memory of her husband, Monroe Carell, Jr., this fund has as its sole and exclusive purpose the long-term maintenance of the St. Cecilia Motherhouse. The fund’s earnings are used for major repairs, replacement of systems, and to preserve and maintain the St. Cecilia Motherhouse.
Health Care Endowment
The Health Care Endowment fund has been established for the purpose of providing long-term supplemental support to help defray the ever-increasing costs of health care for the sisters, especially the retired and infirm sisters.
Retirement Endowment
In a Congregation that is seeing such a large measure of growth, consideration for the future retirement needs of the community is essential. The Retirement Endowment fund has been established to provide support and care for the community’s Dominican Sisters who have given their lives in service to the Church.
Bethany Retreat House Endowment
The Bethany Retreat House Endowment fund was established in August 2011 by the St. Cecilia Congregation General Council. Its earnings are to be used to help offset operating, maintenance, renewal and replacement costs for Bethany Retreat House, Dickson, Tennessee.
If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact our Advancement Office by phone (615.251.0053), fax (615.259.0176), email (using this form) or mailing address: Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, Advancement Office, 801 Dominican Drive, Nashville, TN 37228.