In the 2020 Directory for Catechesis, the Church calls for a renewal of catechesis that focuses on bringing people to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Solid formation is not only about teaching doctrine, but also, and more importantly, about forming disciples who have encountered and know Christ. In Following God’s Pedagogy, Sister Mary Michael Fox, OP, brings decades of experience in catechesis to offer a unique and proven model for children’s catechesis. She draws upon her deep catechetical experience and thorough research into the nature of the child, divine revelation, and catechetical methodology. She offers timely insight into how the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) offers an approach to children’s catechesis that forms the mind and heart of the child, leading them into a deeper relationship with Christ and a life of discipleship.
Bishops, diocesan catechetical directors, and all catechists will discover a way of faith formation of children that is sure to renew and strengthen catechesis for years to come.
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