"What must I do in order to be happy?" No one can escape wrestling with this question because we all want to be happy. Happiness is our most basic desire, "programmed" into our very nature. It is because of this desire that we make the choices and the decisions we do-- about relationships and jobs; about where and how to spend our time, money, and energy; even about what we will call "good" and "evil." (From the Prologue)
Written by one of our sisters, this high school textbook is designed to guide the student through a study of the voluntary human act so that he can determine for himself those acts which will lead to true human happiness. Using St. Thomas Aquinas as a guide, the text brings college Ethics down to the high school level. The text investigates the purpose of human life, the nature of human action, the determination of good and evil acts, and the role of moral law, conscience, and virtue in achieving human fulfillment. With questions to guide the student and “Cases in Point” to highlight the relevancy of the subject matter, the text is a valuable aid in a person’s lifelong pursuit of genuine happiness. (210 pages, softbound only)
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