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Preview the Spanish Edition of our family prayer book: Una invitacion para Orar en Familia
December 12, 2015
Este hermoso libro, escrito por las Hermanas Dominicas de la Congregación de Sta. Cecilia con la colaboración del diácono Rafael y Ana Bougrat, Ricardo y Carolina Catalán, y Diana Catalán, proporciona un plan simple y fácil de implementar para la oración en familia. Ordenado de manera sucesiva según las etapas básicas de la oración, Una Invitación para ORAR EN FAMILIA, le permite a cada familia progresar paso a paso de un nivel de oración al siguiente. Con el prólogo por el arzobispo Charles J. Chaput, el libro contiene todas las secciones de la edición en inglés, más secciones añadidas de algunas tradiciones hispanas, tales como las Posadas, la celebración de quince años, la presentación de los tres años, los novenarios, etc. Contiene imágenes de vitrales e incluye 20 cuadros originales del estilo Cusqueño, por la Sra. Clorinda Galdos Bell, nativa de Cuzco, Perú. 210 páginas, 150 imágenes a color, tapa blanda.
Vocation Office Newsletter for December 2015
December 1, 2015
As we celebrate the Approval of the Order this December 22, we continue to thank God for bringing the Order of Preachers to this Jubilee Year. May the graces surrounding this celebration enrich our prayer, and inspire us to a more zealous celebration of the Lord’s birth!
Master General of Dominican Order Sends Message on 800th Anniversary of the Approbation of the Dominican Order
November 3, 2015
Jubilee message of Fr. Bruno Cadore, OP
Vocation Office Newsletter for Fall 2015
September 8, 2015
Remembering the October days in which we celebrated Our Lady’s Rosary, we pray that she will continue to draw each of us into greater love for her Son.
Vocation Office Newsletter for August 2015
August 8, 2015
As we enjoy the fruits of so many summer blessings, we look forward to a new academic year. Celebrating the feast of Saint Dominic, “man of an apostolic heart,” we remember that the love we have received is to be given freely. May each of us give Christ to those we encounter!
CBB Review – A Short Guide to Praying as a Family
July 15, 2015
Prayer can be beautiful in more ways than one. Not only is there spiritual beauty in the act of prayer, there is also beauty in the prayer aids available. The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia Congregation have joined with Saint Benedict Press to release their new book A Short Guide to Praying as a Family: Growing Together in Faith and Love Each Day. This book succeeds in joining prayer and stained glass resulting in a stunningly, beautiful volume.
From Absence to Presence
July 15, 2015
The human heart cannot be satisfied without love, without union with the beloved. As in the Eucharist, so also in the family, we cannot experience the joy of communion unless there is first presence, a presence that is real and abiding. It is no secret that the family faces many serious challenges today...
Book review National Review about A Short Guide to Praying as a Family
July 9, 2015
"Family prayer can move the world,” Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles J. Chaput writes in the foreword to a new book, A Short Guide to Praying as a Family: Growing Together in Faith and Love Each Day.
Veritas Newsletter: Summer 2015
June 1, 2015
“Lord, show me how you want me to be part of what You want to do.” Isn’t this exactly the perspective the Church asks us to bring to our efforts in the New Evangelization? Our world, our culture, is so in need of God; so in need of truth and love; so in need of compassion and healing and joy. So much so that only the Lord Himself can fill and satisfy the needs we see around us. How does He want to use us, in the daily situations in which He places us? This is actually the perspective from which we want to share with you in this issue of Veritas…
Dominicana Review: A Short Guide to Praying as a Family
May 5, 2015
This is not your usual prayer book. Earlier this year—on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, to be exact—the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia released a new prayer book entitled A Short Guide to Praying as a Family. This book compiles prayers familiar to most Catholics and brings them together in a way that is intelligent, beautiful, and timeless. Let me tell you how.